Social Psychology

Social Psychology

 Social Psychology is the first text in field of psychology, published in Albania. The text was published in 1997 and then was repeatedly republished. It is addressed to students of psychology, philosophy, sociology, political science, journalism, etc and to the general public also. The book includes interesting chapters on topics previously unknown to Albania, such as the perception or recognition of the ego itself, the relation of the ego with the society, verbal and non verbal communication of people with each other, conformism, conviction, leadership and social authority.  In this way, are treated sensitive topics related to nowadays Albanian society, such as, social prejudices, aggressiveness, social groups etc. In addition to theoretical explanation of the topics of social psychology, the author in each chapter provides important examples on the problematic Albanian reality.

At the end of each chapter is the appendix "Focus", which deals specifically with the characteristic refractions of the Albanian theoretical issues explained in the chapters.